Double Exposure wk-30173 Ashley Jensen August Barrett Blade Brad Armstrong Brooke Banner Chris Cannon Derrick Pierce Jaclyn Case Kaylani Lei Nikki Kane Paige Taylor  アシュリー・ジェンセン  オーガスト  クリス・キャノン  ジャックリン・ケース  デレック・ピアース  ニッキー・ケイン  バレット・ブレイド  ブラッド・アームストロング  ブルック・バナー  ペイジ・タイラー ケイラニ・レイ

After the tragic death of his wife, Jack (Randy Spears), the once flamboyant photographer, now lives life as a reclusive. Not speaking, but instead living life through his artwork. But all that changes when he sees a mysterious woman sunbathing on a nearby rooftop. He becomes obsessed with her. Who is she? Will she help him finally break free of his self-imposed artistic isolation? Sometimes it just takes a little double exposure to rekindle passion…